We provide full range of arthroscopic services. Our specialists here are trained from the best hospitals from all around the world, providing treatments to elite sports persons. An arthroscopy surgeon provides arthroscopy treatment for shoulder, knee, elbow, wrist, hip, ankle and hind foot joints. Arthroscopy surgery has revolutionized the orthopedic care by solving all joint problems by inserting a pen like camera device that visualizes the problem and helps in treating injured cartilage, tendons, ligaments and other intra-articular pathologies.
In this “Key Hole” surgery, the incisions are very small and help the patients to recover faster. The benefit of this surgery is that there are no scars. The patient can get an early discharge from the hospital and can resume work immediately.
Ligament repairs, meniscal tears, rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, tendinitis and other injuries can be treated with excellent results.
i. Arthroscopy / Key Hole Surgery ii. Ligament Reconstruction iii. Bone Marrow Injection iv. PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Injection v. Physiotherapy vi. Meniscal Repair vii. Cartilage Regeneration viii. OATS / ix. ACI x. Joint Stabilization Procedure.